Xining city comprehensively promotes the construction of green buildings


Xining urban green building accounted for 22.52%, residential two-star green building demonstration project can declare 50 yuan per square meter reward fund......Reporters from the July 12 xining green building development conference learned that the current xining green building energy conservation development publicity and training is in full swing.According to the requirements, xining will comprehensively promote the construction of green buildings, improve the supervision and implementation capacity of building energy conservation, and promote the construction of ecological civilization in the field of urban and rural construction.

It is reported that xining has built a new situation of green building and building energy conservation development from project construction to policy guarantee. So far, it has completed the national renewable energy building application demonstration city project of 4.6685 million square meters, and built more than 4,000 building energy conservation demonstration households for the renovation of dilapidated old houses in rural areas.The energy conservation of newly-built buildings in the city has been comprehensively upgraded to the design standard of 75% energy conservation of residential buildings and 65% energy conservation of public buildings, and the implementation rate of building energy conservation standards at the design stage has reached 100%.Urban green buildings accounted for 22.52 percent.

At present, xining city has issued incentive measures and implementation guidelines for accelerating the development of green buildings, and it is clear that the reward funds for green building demonstration projects can be applied for if they obtain two-star residential buildings and above and three-star public buildings.Among them, the two-star green building demonstration project of residential buildings will be awarded 50 yuan/square meter;Three-star green buildings for residential buildings and public buildings will be awarded 80 yuan per square meter.Construction projects that win the "national green building innovation award" will also be rewarded to encourage the construction of high-star green buildings and large-scale green buildings.

Xining city will further promote the construction level of green building, improve the legal and standardized level of building energy conservation management, and promote the implementation of the general goal of building a model city of green development and building a new era of happiness in xining in urban and rural green building development and building energy conservation.